Troll Face Blue Emoji

The troll face emoji is a humorous and playful face with mischievous expression. It's characterized by a large grinning face with an exaggerated, sinister grin, often associated with online pranks, trolling, sarcasm, and cynical humor. It's important to note that its usage should be light-hearted and not intended to cause harm or offense, as trolling is generally meant to be playful and entertaining rather than hurtful.

Blue emoji pack

Fun and wicked blue faces with exaggerated and unique emotions that can help you express your difficult feelings in the cruel world where no one understands you.
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You can freely share, use, and build upon it as long as it is personal or entertaining content without commercial purpose, such as social media blog post or meme. You can’t use emoji in logo, trademark, or service mark, as well as in native apps, web apps, or games, or redistribute item as stock or template.
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Release date:
Sep 8, 2023
sarcasm, trolling, trollface, humor, playful, pranks, funny

Pointing And Laughing In Tears

Happy and Cheering

Holding It In

Angry Teeth Emoticon

Laughing Squinting Face

Pointing And Laughing In Tears

Happy and Cheering

Holding It In

Angry Teeth Emoticon

Laughing Squinting Face

Pointing And Laughing In Tears

Happy and Cheering

Holding It In

Angry Teeth Emoticon

Laughing Squinting Face

Pointing And Laughing In Tears

Happy and Cheering

Holding It In

Angry Teeth Emoticon

Laughing Squinting Face

Pointing And Laughing In Tears

Happy and Cheering

Holding It In

Angry Teeth Emoticon

Laughing Squinting Face

Pointing And Laughing In Tears

Happy and Cheering

Holding It In

Angry Teeth Emoticon

Laughing Squinting Face

Pointing And Laughing In Tears

Happy and Cheering

Holding It In

Angry Teeth Emoticon

Laughing Squinting Face

Pointing And Laughing In Tears

Happy and Cheering

Holding It In

Angry Teeth Emoticon

Laughing Squinting Face

Pointing And Laughing In Tears

Happy and Cheering

Holding It In

Angry Teeth Emoticon

Laughing Squinting Face